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Showing posts from December, 2017

History is all you left me By: Adam Silvera

I don’t usually like tragedies, but I loved this one. The book is about a bot named Griffin, who struggles with his OCD. He loses his ex boyfriend, whom he’s still madly in love with to a drowning accident. He also meets Jackson, the boy that was dating Theo before he died. Together, they form a bond helping each other cope with losing the boy they both loved. The flashbacks, memories, and stories shared between them, revealed the sides of Theo they never got to witness themselves. The story is told in first person but the narration was directed a Theo, as if Griffin was having a direct one way conversion with him. I really appreciate how it shows the process of healing of different people and how everyday becomes easier for them. It was also interesting to see how Theo’s death changed Griffin and how it caused him to make quite a lot of irrational decisions, but also taught him to fix what was important to him. Another sideline in the story is Griffin OCD. I have read books i

By your side By: Kasie West

This book is about Autumn, who gets trapped in a library one weekend with Dax, the schools mystery  boy. What happens during their time there, spirals into many unexpected events. Can one weekend change Autumn’s perspectives forever? I’m not a very picky reader, I like practically anything I read. Frankly, this book has a lot of potential, but the main protagonist kind of ruined the experience. I really didn’t like Autumn. There wasn’t anything unique about her except for her photography and anxiety, and even those factors weren’t expressed very well. I found her always making the wrong choices which lead to catastrophes, she was annoying, selfish and unappreciative. This also made it quite unrealistic how quickly the relationship developed between her and Dax, whom unlike Autumn I actually liked. Dax is the slightly stereotypical mysterious bad boy with a pretty tragic past, and it was just really confusing why he fell for her in the first place. Not only were the relationship

The graveyard book By: Neil Gaiman

If this book doesn't become a classic, then I don't know what will.  The Graveyard book follows Nobody Owens, Bod for short. He whole family becomes murdered one night when he was a baby. He then escapes to the graveyard and is taken in and raised by ghosts. However, as he grows older, he find himself wanting to explore the outside world. But are there more dangers outside the graveyard than Bod knows about? This story is about unusual relationships, bravery and that maybe not all ghosts are as evil as others. I have previously read Coraline which is another book by Neil Gaiman. What I have discovered that although his writing is not particularly complex, the scenes he creates are so amazingly realistic and intriguing. It empathizes on the main surroundings and some specific details but leaves the rest to imagination. All of Neil Gaiman's stories and characters are so unique but I especially loved the characters from this book. My favorites were Bod and his guardi

1q84 - Bookmark

A few months ago I made this bookmark for my dad on Father's day. It is inspired by his favourite book: "1q84". It is written by a Japanese author and I believe its partly inspired by the "1984" book by: George Orwell. I have read 1984 but I haven't read 1q84 yet. Let me know if you have read any of those and if 1q84is worth reading.

The Hate U Give by: Angie Thomas

I just finished reading The Hate U Give and it was phenomenal. This book has definitely become one of favourite books of 2017.  There aren't many YA books that include African - American street communities, but this one captured it perfectly.  I won't elaborate too much in the story because its sort of a whole journey with surprises that will be ruined if I tell you too much. It is quite a slow paced book but it somehow manages to always keep the suspense at its highest. This book was impossible to put down! The story includes a lot of controversial on police brutality, racism and shows us how not everyone who ends up in prison is a bad person. I has given me a whole different perspective on that matter. It was beautifully written. Despite, the author didn't seem make a big deal out of empathizing the secondary characters throughout the storyline, we really get to witness their unique personalities.  Although it is categorized as a YA book, I think it is me

Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosogol

The graphic novel “Anya’s Ghost” by Vera Brosgol is about Anya, who is in high school. In the story, she encounters a ghost whom witnesses her trying to navigate her life as a teen. Throughout the storyline, the author exposes us to many adolescent issue that are commonly found among teenagers everywhere in the world. I really like the graphics and the story in general. I would recommend it to anyone who has experienced being a teen in the late 1900s or the 2100s. It is very relatable, and I can definitely imagine myself in many of the situations encountered in the book.


This is a drawing of a town inspired by the one in Rebecca Stead's "When you reach me". It is one of my favourite children's books of all time.

When Dimple met Rishi

By: Sandaya Menon I won’t say I loved this book because I didn’t. Description by goodreads: “Dimple Shah has it all figured out. With graduation behind her, she’s more than ready for a break from her family, from Mamma’s inexplicable obsession with her finding the “Ideal Indian Husband.” Ugh. Dimple knows they must respect her principles on some level, though. If they truly believed she needed a husband right now, they wouldn’t have paid for her to attend a summer program for aspiring web developers…right? Rishi Patel is a hopeless romantic. So when his parents tell him that his future wife will be attending the same summer program as him—wherein he’ll have to woo her—he’s totally on board. Because as silly as it sounds to most people in his life, Rishi wants to be arranged, believes in the power of tradition, stability, and being a part of something much bigger than himself. The Shahs and Patels didn’t mean to start turning the wheels on


Fangirl By: Rainbow Rowell I read this book quite a while ago but I just felt like doing a review on this one. This is a rather unique contemporary ya novel because it isn't your usual sappy, dramatic and emotional story. No, this one’s much more laid back. Although it has it’s share of overwhelming situations, it is most of the time quite realistic. I think the best time to read Fangirl is before or during your college experience as it is set in a university. This story is about Cath who is quite a shy and quiet girl who is obsessed with the Simon snow fantasy and loves writing fan fiction about him. She has a twin sister names Wren whose personality is completely different from Cath. Wren is outgoing and a really fun girl with many friends. The book follows Cath as she and her sister goes to college. She struggles with interacting with all the new people and is having trouble adjusting to the huge change in her life. During this time, she meet Levi, who despit

The Wrath and the Dawn

The Wrath and the Dawn - Duo-logy By: RenĂ©e Andien I just finished this duology and I can even think right now. The brilliance of this series hasn’t even sunk in yet. This is a truly wonderful piece of work which has torn my heart out of my chest. The writing is so rich and vivid and it just takes you on this unexpected and so beautiful adventure. Every word is so carefully thought out and it just perfectly flows and set the story’s Arabian scenery in the Golden age. I will only summarize the first book. The story is a fairytale retelling of 1001 nights. Although this one is of a much more complicated storyline. The Caliph of Khorasan, who is known the monster of a king, marries a new wife every day and every dawn they are found dead with a silk cord around their neck. Sharhrzad, who’s best friend was recently murdered by him volunteers to be the next wife. To seek revenge. She uses her ability to tell the most captivating stories to stay alive the first da