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By: Rainbow Rowell

I read this book quite a while ago but I just felt like doing a review on this one.

This is a rather unique contemporary ya novel because it isn't your usual sappy, dramatic and emotional story. No, this one’s much more laid back. Although it has it’s share of overwhelming situations, it is most of the time quite realistic. I think the best time to read Fangirl is before or during your college experience as it is set in a university.

This story is about Cath who is quite a shy and quiet girl who is obsessed with the Simon snow fantasy and loves writing fan fiction about him. She has a twin sister names Wren whose personality is completely different from Cath. Wren is outgoing and a really fun girl with many friends. The book follows Cath as she and her sister goes to college. She struggles with interacting with all the new people and is having trouble adjusting to the huge change in her life. During this time, she meet Levi, who despite her resistance keeping trying to get her out there and bring her new experiences.

I think what makes it so realistic is the main character Cath. We can all relate to being head over heels obsessed with a fandom whether it's a tv series, book, band or a reality star. We all have those geeky moments over some star character.

I haven't read any other book by Rainbow Rowell but based on what I have seen, I think this is one of her more popular books. I have ordered a copy of Eleanor and Park and will be reading it soon, keep updated to see the review!


  1. Oh I adore this one too!! I SO related to Cath...I mean totally shy and into fandoms and loving writing?! She's such a good representation of introverts truly. 😂 I hope you enjoy Eleanor and Park too! I think Fangirl is definitely my favourite, and Carry On is a close second!

    1. I completely agree with you, one of my favourite genres is contemporary YAs because I find them so relatable as I can be very introverted myself.

  2. Fangirl is the first book i read by rainbow rowell and i absolutely loved it as well! i read it before entering college, and i agree that that's definitely a good time in life to read it. it gives you a glimpse into the fact that college may not be the best thing that's ever happened to everyone (namely introverted people who may be uncomfortable moving out on their own). after Fangirl, i read Eleanor and Park directly afterwards :P i hope you enjoy that one as well!

    1. Thank you! I honestly think Fangirl is a book which is very difficult to hate, its one of those books which represent teen / young adult experiences in such a realistic way. I am looking forwards to reading Eleanor and Park, but if its anything like Fangirl, I think I will definitely enjoy it!


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