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One of us is lying By: Karen M. Mc Manus

This read was very thought provoking.

Four teens all happened to end up in detention one day with Simon, running the school's well known and scandalous gossip site. Each of them had been discovered to have a cellphone on them which weren't theirs. Someone planned this. After drinking a cup of water with traces of peanut oil, Simon dies of an allergic reaction. The police soon discover that Simon's death was planned as well, and the main suspects of the murder were in that room with him.

Living in completely different world's, two boys and two girls form unusual bonds as the murder investigation unfurls. However, someone still seems to be messing with them. Is one of them lying? Who killed Simon? One thing's for sure, no one will ever walk away the again.

It is quite similar to "The Murder On The Orient Express" by Christi Agatha in the way it turned out to be more analytical and focused on human behavior and how a small chain of events can change a person or situation completely. They were highly entertaining and exactly what a good crime/mystery novel should be. This is what makes these two books unique to others in their category.

I loved how one of us is lying was told from four different perspectives. Not only did we see each person’s own narrative, but also how it was quite different to other people’s idea of them through the three other suspects. At the beginning, they all seemed like quite the stereotypes. But later on, we could observe their changes in character, whether it was hidden from us before or formed during the investigation.

I think this is quite a unique YA contemporary and I would definitely read it again.


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