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An Enchantment of Raven by: Margaret Rogerson

This book was pretty amazing.

I decided to listen to the audio book after hearing so many positive things about it. Honestly, I love the fact that it wasn't a series. I'd pretty much expected it to be one, and it was such a relief when I'd discovered that the author hadn't tried to drag it into a excruciatingly long trilogy, or even worse: a series.

An Enchantment Of Ravens falls into the high fantasy genre. It follows Isobel, who lives in a world where there are Humans and Fair folks. The fair ones can all perform magical enchantments and are able to cover their true forms with glamour to make them inhumanly beautiful. They are all ruled by seasonal courts: Autumn, Summer, Spring and Winter. Isobel is a well known portrait artist and Fair  folks from all over the land come and pay for her portraits in enchantments. The trouble starts when the Autumn prince, Rook, comes to request her craft. Spotting signs of Human emotions in his eyes, Isobel carefully reflects them in her painting. However, that careless decision had cost the prince more than he can afford. Furious, the he comes for her, taking her to stand trail in front of the Autumn court. But the dangers on the way quickly throw them of path. A new obstacle is soon revealed as the two slowly fall in love. It is forbidden for a Human and a Faerie to fall in love, it's written in the good law. The only way for both of them to survive is for the Human to drink from the green well. If only it wasn't Isobel's worst nightmare to do so... The two worlds entangle together as they take a journey through all four, equally stunning seasonal courts and have the most breathtaking adventure of their lives.

Lets start off appreciating how utterly adorable Rook was. It was so interesting to see how smart and brave he was as Faerie. But how cute and ignorant he was when it came to handling Humans. I think this is the most fascinating male fantasy character I have read about so far.

I also liked the main protagonist and her very determined attitude. She started off, as just a normal girl wanting nothing but to keep her family safe and happy. Then, as she is swept away into beautiful landscapes and adventures, we can see her inner struggles between wanting to live a more extraordinary life and going home to her dull routines.

This book was really great and it is definitely one of the best fantasy novels I've read this year. I am looking forwards for Margaret Rogerson to publish new stories. But meanwhile, I will be looking for books similar to this one. Any recommendations? Please let me know!


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